Additional Planning Guidance and Advice Notes
Consultation on Emerging Planning Guidance
Employment and Skills - Draft SPD
This document is a new tool that will enable us to ring-fence opportunities arising from development to benefit Dacorum’s residents, thereby generating additional social value.
The consultation on the Employment and Skills - Draft SPD closed on 28 November 2022. To find out more about the closed consultation and view the responses made, please visit our consultation website.
View the Employment and Skills - Draft Supplementary Planning Document (PDF 1MB)
Additional Planning Guidance and Advice Notes
We've produced a number of supplementary planning guidance documents and advice notes. These guidance documents elaborate on the policies in the adopted Local Plan, either by providing more detail on general matters or for specific land areas. These documents are referred to either as "supplementary planning guidance" (SPG) or "supplementary planning document" (SPD).
Supplementary planning documents are essentially the same as supplementary planning guidance but have been prepared according to the detailed provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations and Advice. Where there is a conflict between their content and that of the adopted Core Strategy, the Core Strategy will take precedence. The guidance documents are listed below:
Supplementary Planning Documents
Paradise Design Code SPD
The Paradise Design Code SPD sets out a framework of design requirements for new development in the Paradise and Wood Lane area, which is currently allocated for mixed-use development in the adopted Site Allocations DPD (2017). These requirements are site-specific, clear and detailed. The purpose of the SPD is to enhance the character of the local area and ensure future design quality of developments on the site. It is now a material consideration in determining planning applications.
The Paradise Design Code SPD was adopted by us on 19 April 2023, with effect from that date.
- Adoption Statement - Paradise Design Code SPD (PDF 137KB)
- Consultation Statement - Paradise Design Code SPD (PDF 5.5MB)
- SEA and HRA Screening Determination - Paradise Design Code SPD (PDF 1.44MB)
Hard copies of the document are viewable at our offices, and within the reference section of public libraries located in the borough, during normal opening hours.
Please note: Some of the documents above may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require any of these documents in a more accessible format, please email and tell us what format you need.
Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD
We’ve prepared a Strategic Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in order to improve the quality of the design of new homes, estates and employment-use buildings in the borough. The guide sets out a design process and principles for developers to follow when preparing their plans for new development, and has a separate section on employment-use buildings, such as offices and industrial units. The approach aims to create distinctive, attractive and successful places to live and work that are adaptable for the future.
The three parts of the Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD are:
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD Executive Summary (PDF 1MB)
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD - Part 1 - Design Process (PDF 18MB)
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD - Part 2 - Design Principles (PDF 1MB)
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD - Part 3 - Employment Uses Guidance (PDF 4MB)
The Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD was adopted on 24 February 2021.
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD Statement of Consultation (PDF 139KB)
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD Adoption Statement (PDF 133KB)
- Dacorum Strategic Design Guide SPD Consultation Report of Responses (PDF 6MB)
The documents are available for inspection on request at The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead HP1 1DN. To request to view the documents at The Forum, please email the Strategic Planning team at or call 01442 228000.
Parking Standards SPD
Our revised Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (the SPD) sets out our parking guidelines for new developments.
The SPD is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and should be read alongside our other planning guidance documents and planning policies.
The SPD replaces the parking standards used by us as set out in Appendix 5 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (adopted 2004).
The SPD was adopted on 18 November 2020, with effect from that date.
Affordable Housing SPD
The following document provides further advice and guidance on affordable homes. It should be read in conjunction with the latest national guidance on planning policies provided through the National Planning Policy Framework, relevant Planning Policy Guidance notes, and other advice that the Government may issue.
For clarity, we will assess whether a scheme requires an affordable housing contribution based on gross gains in units.
Revised and adopted 25 September 2013
- Energy efficiency and conservation SPD
Water Conservation SPD
Adopted July 2005
Water conservation supplementary planning document (PDF 395KB)
Local Allocations Master Plans (LA1 to LA6)
LA1 Master Plan - Marchmont Farm, Hemel Hempstead (PDF 11MB)
LA2 Master Plan - Old Town, Hemel Hempstead (PDF 3MB)
LA3 Master Plan - West Hemel Hempstead (PDF 11MB)
LA4 Master Plan - Hanburys, Berkhamsted (PDF 1MB)
LA5 Master Plan - West Tring (PDF 7MB)
LA6 Master Plan - Chesham Road, Bovingdon (PDF 2MB) -
Development brief for the Civic Zone (now Waterhouse Square), Hemel Hempstead Town Centre
Adopted 29 November 2005
Civic Zone development brief:
Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF 404KB)
Chapter 2: The site (PDF 7.91MB)
Chapter 3: Planning policy context (PDF 90KB)
Chapter 4: Development guidelines (PDF 541KB)
Chapter 5: Urban design considerations (PDF 5.38MB)
Chapter 6: Sustainability (PDF 50KB)
Chapter 7: Implementation and planning application procedure (PDF 76KB)
Chapter 8: Summary (PDF 36KB)
Appendices (PDF 171KB) -
Development brief for Deaconsfield Road (Dowling Court/Johnson Court)
Adopted 26 May 2005
Development brief for Deaconsfield Road (Sempill Road)
Adopted 26 May 2005
Development brief for Green Lane / Buncefield Lane, Hemel Hempstead
Adopted 27 November 2007
Development brief for land at Three Cherry Trees Lane, Hemel Hempstead
Adopted 27 November 2007
Development brief for land at Westwick Farm, Hemel Hempstead
Adopted 27 November 2007
- Hemel Hempstead Town Centre Masterplan
Supplementary Planning Guidance
Area based policies
May 2004
1. Bovingdon Airfield
Bovingdon Airfield (PDF 521 KB)
2. Land for Development at North East Hemel Hempstead
Land for Development at North East Hemel Hempstead (PDF 2.63 MB)
3. Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Policy
Conservation Area, Potten End (PDF 11.7 KB)
4. Development in Residential Areas (Residential Character Areas)
Development Residential Areas Introduction (PDF 69.3 KB)
Development Residential Areas Hemel Hempstead (PDF 1.46 MB)
Development Residential Areas Berkhamsted (PDF 1.18 MB)
Development Residential Areas Tring (PDF 849 KB)5. Accessibility Zones
Environmental guidelines
May 2004
- Front Cover (PDF 6.61 KB)
- Contents and Introduction (PDF 13.1 KB)
- Flood Defences and the Water Environment (PDF 21.6 KB)
- Landscaping on Development Sites (PDF 15.4 KB)
- Landscape and Nature Conservation (PDF 32.2 KB)
- Shop Fronts (PDF 15.2 KB)
- Advertisements (PDF 11.6 KB)
- Development in Conservation Areas of Listed Buildings (PDF 16.1 KB)
- Conversion of Agricultural Buildings (PDF 16.2 KB)
- Waste Management (PDF 26.2 KB)
- Safety and Security (PDF 60.2 KB).
Landscape character assessment
- Front Cover and Contents (PDF 2.45 MB)
- Introduction General Features and Methodology (PDF 1.31 MB)
- Area 7, Sarratt Plateau (PDF 1.12 MB)
- Area 8, Upper Gade Valley (PDF 1.09 MB)
- Area 9, Bedmond Plateau (PDF 1.05 MB)
- Area 10, St. Stephens Plateau (PDF 1.08 MB)
- Area 94, Buncefield Plateau (PDF 1.19 MB)
- Area 95, Revel End Plateau (PDF 1.16 MB)
- Area 96, Upper Ver Valley (PDF 1.54 MB)
- Area 99, Rothamsted Plateau (PDF 1.17 MB)
- Area 106, Middle Chess Valley (PDF 1.92 MB)
- Area 107, Bovingdon and Chipperfield Plateau (PDF 1.63 MB)
- Area 108, Bourne Gutter (PDF 1.67 MB)
- Area 109, Hawridge and Bellingdon Ridges and Valleys (PDF 1.43 MB)
- Area 110, Wigginton Plateau (PDF 3.00 MB)
- Area 111, Tring Scarp Slopes (PDF 1.98 MB)
- Area 112, Boarscroft Vale (PDF 2.59 MB)
- Area 113, Tring Reservoirs (PDF 2.39 MB)
- Area 114, Tring Gap Foothills (PDF 2.25 MB)
- Area 115, Aldbury Coombe (PDF 1.99 MB)
- Area 116, Aldbury Scarp Slopes (PDF 1.75 MB)
- Area 117, Upper Bulbourne Valley (PDF 1.99 MB)
- Area 118, Lower Bulbourne Valley (PDF 1.71 MB)
- Area 119, Berkhamsted Castle Farmland (PDF 1.80 MB)
- Area 120, Little Heath Uplands (PDF 1.74 MB)
- Area 121, Ashridge (PDF 2.04 MB)
- Area 122, Nettleden Ridges and Valleys (PDF 2.00 MB)
- Area 123, High Gade Valley (PDF 2.64 MB)
- Area 124, Gaddesden Row (PDF 1.94 MB)
- Area 125, Beechwood Estate (PDF 1.70 MB)
- Area 126, Markyate Ridges and Valleys (PDF 2.42 MB)
- Area 127, Pepsal End Slopes (PDF 1.46 MB)
- Bibliography & Appendix 1, 2 and 3 (PDF 702 KB)
- Appendix 4 (PDF 5.27 MB)
- Back Cover (PDF 695 KB)
Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty buildings design guide
Accorded SPG status by the Council on 25 September 2013
Chilterns AONB Buildings Design Guide
Supplementary technical notes
Chilterns Buildings Design Guide - Chilterns Flint
Chilterns Buildings Design Guide - Chilterns Brick
Chilterns Buildings Design Guide - Roofing Materials -
Development brief for Ebberns Road, Hemel Hempstead
Adopted April 2003
Ebberns Road Hemel Hempstead Development Brief (PDF 2.95MB) -
Development brief for the Manor Estate, Apsley
April 2004
Front Cover (PDF 467KB)
Contents Page (PDF 144KB)
Introduction (PDF 42KB)
Section 1 (PDF 471KB)
Section 2A (PDF 702KB)
Section 2B (PDF 729KB)
Section 2C (PDF 454KB)
Section 2D (PDF 544KB)
Section 2E (PDF 224KB)
Section 3A (PDF 690KB)
Section 3B (PDF 590KB)
Section 3C (PDF 721KB)
Section 3D (PDF 584KB)
Section 3E (PDF 493KB)
Section 3F (PDF 799KB)
Section 3G (PDF 1.1MB)
Section 3H (PDF 438KB)
Section 4 (PDF 304KB)
Appendix 1 (PDF 45KB)
Appendix 2 (PDF 405KB) -
Chipperfield village design statement
Adopted 19 December 2001
- Gade Zone planning statement
Concept statement for Western Road, Tring
Adopted 29 February 2006
Concept statement for land at High Street and Water Lane, Berkhamsted
Adopted 27 November 2007
Concept statement for land at High Street and Water Lane, Berkhamsted (PDF 3.1MB)
Maylands Masterplan
Adopted 20 September 2007
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Front Cover (PDF 39.6 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section One (PDF 323 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Two (PDF 795 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Three (PDF 942 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Four (PDF 928 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Five (PDF 249 KB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Six (PDF 1.88 MB)
Maylands Masterplan - Planning Policy Statement: Section Seven (PDF 555 KB) -
Development Brief for Maylands Gateway
Updated June 2013
Other development briefs and master plans
Advice notes
Sustainable development advice note
December 2016
Sustainable Development Advice Note (PDF 468KB)
More information
For more information on sustainable development, please visit our sustainable development page.
Sustainable drainage policy statement
February 2015
Sustainable drainage policy statement (PDF 224KB) - Planning requirements for waste water infrastructure issues in Dacorum
Refuse storage guidance notes
Adopted 10 February 2015
Refuse storage guidance note (PDF 2MB) - Affordable housing clarification note
Policy advice note
July 2017
Feasibility studies and other strategies
- Town Stadium Complex at Hemel Hempstead - Feasibility Study Phase 1
- Town Stadium Complex at Hemel Hempstead - Feasibility Study Phase 2 and Appendix
- Hemel Hempstead Station Gateway Feasibility Study
- Maylands Business Park design strategy
- Maylands Business Park improvements specification
Two Waters Strategic Framework
November 2015
- Two Waters Open Space Feasibility Study - Concept Report
- Dacorum Urban Design Assessments update paper
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment
Amended and reprinted 2010
Borough wide report assessment
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - borough wide report (PDF 803KB)
Hemel Hempstead report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Hemel Hempstead report pages 1 to 29 (PDF 5MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Hemel Hempstead report pages 30 to 42 (PDF 7MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Hemel Hempstead report pages 43 to 55 (PDF 4MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Hemel Hempstead report pages 56 to 77 (PDF 2MB)Berkhamsted report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 1 (PDF 2MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 2 (PDF 1MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 3 (PDF 865KB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 4 (PDF 2MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 5 (PDF 269KB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 6 (PDF 7MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 7 (PDF 3MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Berkhamsted report part 8 (PDF 1MB)Tring report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 1 to 7 (PDF 4MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 8 to 20 (PDF 5MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 21 to 29 (PDF 6 MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 29 to 34 (PDF 9MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 36 to 44 (PDF 6MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Tring report pages 45 to 61 (PDF 2MB)Bovingdon report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Bovingdon report pages 1 to 17 (PDF 5MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Bovingdon report pages 18 to 21 (PDF 8MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Bovingdon report pages 22 to 37 (PDF 7MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Bovingdon report pages 38 to 52 (PDF 1MB)Markyate report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Markyate report pages 1 to 25 (PDF 6MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Markyate report pages 26 to 48 (PDF 3MB)Kings Langley report
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Kings Langley report pages 1 to 16 (PDF 5MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Kings Langley report pages 17 to 32 (PDF 4MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Kings Langley report pages 33 to 46 (PDF 3MB)
Dacorum Urban Design Assessment - Kings Langley report pages 47 to 56 (PDF 2MB) -
New Road/Springfield Road, Berkhamsted - Feasibility Report
September 2010
- Two Waters Masterplan Guidance
Other documents
Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2014-2019
Endorsed by Cabinet on 21 April 2015
Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan
Please note: The documents above may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require any of these documents in a more accessible format, please email and tell us what format you need.Page Last Updated: Friday, 24 May 2024 at 12:49 PM
In this section
- New Dacorum Local Plan (to 2040)
- Local Plan 1991-2011
- Core Strategy
- Site Allocations
- East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan
- Proposals Map
- Sustainability Appraisals
- Developer contributions
- Evidence Base
- Additional Planning Guidance Documents
- Monitoring reports and land position statements
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Self-build and custom housebuilding
- Local Development Scheme
- Sustainable development
- Brownfield Land Register
- Neighbourhood planning
- Article 4 Directions - employment and town centre areas