Additional Planning Guidance and Advice Notes 

Consultation on Emerging Planning Guidance

Employment and Skills - Draft SPD

This document is a new tool that will enable us to ring-fence opportunities arising from development to benefit Dacorum’s residents, thereby generating additional social value.

The consultation on the Employment and Skills - Draft SPD closed on 28 November 2022. To find out more about the closed consultation and view the responses made, please visit our consultation website.

View the  Employment and Skills - Draft Supplementary Planning Document (PDF 1MB)

Additional Planning Guidance and Advice Notes

We've produced a number of supplementary planning guidance documents and advice notes. These guidance documents elaborate on the policies in the adopted Local Plan, either by providing more detail on general matters or for specific land areas. These documents are referred to either as "supplementary planning guidance" (SPG) or "supplementary planning document" (SPD).

Supplementary planning documents are essentially the same as supplementary planning guidance but have been prepared according to the detailed provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations and Advice. Where there is a conflict between their content and that of the adopted Core Strategy, the Core Strategy will take precedence. The guidance documents are listed below:

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Supplementary Planning Documents

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Supplementary Planning Guidance

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Feasibility studies and other strategies


Please note: The documents above may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require any of these documents in a more accessible format, please email and tell us what format you need.

Page Last Updated: Friday, 24 May 2024 at 12:49 PM