Assistance for voters
Help for partially sighted voters
In the polling station there are large-print versions of the ballot paper/s to assist you. A magnifier is also available and a tactile selector device designed specifically to assist electors when casting their vote.
Help for blind voters
Blind and partially-sighted voters can also vote in secret. The tactile device referred to above fits on a ballot paper and the voter simply lifts the tab where they wish to cast their vote. The polling station staff will assist any elector who wishes to use this device.
Voting companions
Any voter with a physical disability can take a relative or friend to help them to cast their vote. A simple form will need to be completed by the helper at the polling station before the ballot paper is issued.
Help from polling station staff
If you have any questions or require any assistance, polling staff are available on the day of the poll to help voters in the voting process.
Page Last Updated: Friday, 16 September 2022 at 03:14 PM