Issues and Options consultation 2017

We are in the process of preparing a new Local Plan for the borough. The first stage of this process was the preparation of an Issues and Options document. This looked at the challenges the borough faces to 2036, and options for how these could be addressed to ensure the growth that we need is delivered in the right place, and is of the right character and quality. Extensive public consultation was carried out on the Issues and Options document in November 2017.

A draft Sustainability Appraisal Working Note, which assessed the potential social, economic and environmental implications of the issues and options put forward, was also published for comment.  Other supporting documents were also available.

Public exhibitions

A series of public exhibitions, attended by representatives of the Council, were held:

Issues and Options consultation responses

The consultation generated a high level of response and a comprehensive report of the consultation and next steps in response to points raised has been produced.

Once finalised, the new Local Plan will replace the Core Strategy and Site Allocations DPDs and ‘saved’ polices from the 2004 Local Plan.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 26 July 2021 at 08:32 AM

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