Public inquiries

Rectory Farm 

This public inquiry relates to the following at Rectory Farm, Kings Langley:

  • development comprising 135 residential units
  • new community buildings (including café and farm shop, cycle hub, repair shed, meeting and office space)
  • creation of new public open space and play provision
  • provision of vehicular and pedestrian access from Hempstead Road
  • provision of cycle and car parking and associated works.

Planning application reference: 22/01836/MFA
Appeal reference: APP/A1910/W/23/3333545
Dacorum Appeal Reference: 23/00079/REFU

The inquiry was held between 9 and 12 April 2024. The Planning Inspectorate has requested that a legal agreement for the site is completed and submitted for their consideration before 26 April 2024. The Inspectorate has set a target decision date of 18 June 2024. However, given the complexity of the case, we are anticipating more time will be required to determine this case. When we receive the recommendation and final decision we will publish it here.

Available documents

View copies of the core documents, inquiry documents, submitted plans and all other documents on our Public Access website, under the reference 22/001836/MFA. Some file sizes are large and might take a while to load.

You can also check the progress of the case on the Government website, under the reference APP/A1910/W/23/3333545.

Solar Array - Little Heath Lane, Little Heath, Berkhamsted

This public inquiry relates to the "installation of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, vehicular access, internal access track, landscaping and associated infrastructure - security fencing, CCTV cameras and grid connection infrastructure, including transformers, substation compound buildings and cabling route to the point of connection” at Little Heath Lane, Little Heath, Berkhamsted, HP1 2RY.

Planning application reference: 22/01106/MFA
Appeal reference: APP/A1910/W/23/3317818

The inquiry was held in August and September 2023 and ended on Thursday 28 September 2023. The Planning Inspectorate will make a decision in due course - it is not clear when this will be. When we receive the recommendation and final decision we will publish it here.

Available documents

View copies of the core documents and inquiry documents. Some file sizes are large and might take a while to load.

All other documents are available on our Public Access website, under the reference 22/01106/MFA.

You can also check the progress of the case on the Government website, under reference APP/A1910/W/23/3317818. 

Land East of Tring

This public inquiry related to a "hybrid application (with details of two main access points from Bulbourne Road and Station Road in full and the main development on the rest of the site in outline with all matters reserved) for the demolition of all existing buildings on the site and the development of up to 1,400 dwellings (including up to 140 use class C2 dwellings). It also included a new local centre and sports/community hub, primary school, secondary school, and public open spaces, including creation of a suitable alternative natural green space" at land bound by Bulbourne Road and Station Road, bisected by Marshcroft Lane, Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 5QY.

Planning application reference: 22/01187/MOA
Appeal reference: 

The inquiry was held between March and May 2023 and ended on Friday 5 May 2023. The appeal for planning permission was dismissed by the Secretary of State on 15 March 2024. However, the developer is now appealing this decision.

The decision and other documents can be found below (see "copies of the core documents and inquiry documents").

Available documents

View copies of the core documents and inquiry documents. Some file sizes are large and might take a while to load.

All other documents are available on Public Access under the reference 22/01187/MOA.


If you have any problems viewing the content of the documents, you can:

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