Inspector's Report, September 2002

Review of the Local Plan

 Forward to Inspector's Report (PDF 62KB)
 List of corrections (PDF 144KB)
 Letter from Planning Inspectorate (PDF 307KB)
 Title page (PDF 35KB)
 Contents (PDF 59KB)
 List of appendices (PDF 71KB)
 List of figures (PDF 63KB)
 Preface (PDF 137KB)
 Summary of main recommendations (PDF 380KB)
 Chapter 1 - General comments (PDF 218KB)
 Chapter 2 - Introduction (PDF 247KB)
 Chapter 3 - Objectives (PDF 226KB)
 Chapter 4 - General proposals and development strategy (PDF 3.6MB)
 Chapter 5 - Urban structure (PDF 312KB)
 Chapter 6 - Development Control (PDF 336KB)
 Chapter 7 - Housing (PDF 4MB)
 Chapter 8 - Employment (PDF 661KB)
 Chapter 9 - Shopping (PDF 519KB)
 Chapter 10 - Transport (PDF 714KB)
 Chapter 11 - Social and community facilities (PDF 296KB)
 Chapter 12 - Leisure and tourism (PDF 621KB)
 Chapter 13 - Environment (PDF 849KB)
 Chapter 14 - Area proposals general and town centre strategies (PDF 309KB)
 Chapter 15 - Bovingdon Airfield (PDF 263KB)
 Chapter 16 - North East Hemel Hempstead (PDF 262KB)
 Chapter 17 - Two Waters and Apsley (PDF 935KB)
 Chapter 18 - Conservation areas (PDF 188KB)
 Chapter 19 - Development in residential areas (PDF 467KB)
 Chapter 20 - Environmental guidelines (PDF 363KB)
 Chapter 21 - The proposals map (PDF 165KB)
 Appendix A - Further changes to the plan (PDF 208KB)
 Appendix B - Inquiry programme (PDF 169KB)
 Appendix C - Inquiry appearances (PDF 324KB)
 Appendix D - Accompanied site visits (PDF 112KB)
 Appendix E1 - Core documents list (PDF 210KB)
 Appendix E2 - General documents list (PDF 66KB)
 Appendix E3. LPA documents (PDF 372KB)
 Appendix E4. Documents submitted by commenters (PDF 598KB)
 Appendix F1. objections (PDF 564KB)
 Appendix F2. Representations supporting the deposit draft (PDF 194KB)
 Appendix F3. Counter objections (PDF 479KB)
 Appendix F4. Representations supporting pre-inquiry changes (PDF 408KB)
 Appendix F5. Conditional withdrawals (PDF 284KB)
 Appendix F6. Full withdrawals (PDF 240KB)
 Appendix G. Proposed revisions to housing schedule (PDF 168KB)
 Appendix H. Revised housing schedule (PDF 95KB)
 Glossary (PDF 321KB)
 Key to abbreviations (PDF 163KB)
 Index (PDF 169KB)
 Addendum report (PDF 433KB)
 Error and correction list (PDF 69KB)

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