Portfolio Holder decisions 2018

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 21 December 2018
PH-026-18 - Contract award, internal works to The Forum building
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published:
08 November 2018
- To extend the contracts of Mark's Consulting agency staff to support the delivery of technical and compliance roles within the Property and Place team of the housing service.
Part 2: 
That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Marshall
Date published:
19 October 2018
- To approve an exemption to comply with the Council's commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process.
PH-024-18 Application for exemption to comply with procurement regulations (PDF 147KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published:
17 October 2018
- To award a grant of £10,000 to Wigginton Village Shop from the Community Grant budget.
PH-023-18 Grant of £10,000 to Wigginton Village Shop (PDF 79KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published:
16 October 2018
- Decant Policy
 PH-022-18 Decant Policy (PDF 234KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 25 September 2018
PH-021-18 - Award of loan to Flamstead Parish Council for the replacement of the sports pavilion at Flamstead Recreation Ground.
 PH-021-18 Loan to Flamstead Parish Council (PDF 154KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 20 September 2018
PH-020-18 - To introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order in accordance with the order and plans .
 PH-020-18 Introduce a Public Space protection Order (PDF 198KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Sutton
Date published: 20 September 2018
PH-019-18 - To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process (The Bury).
PH-019-18 - Award of consultancy works to Buttress Architects Limited (PDF 138KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 20 September 2018
PH-018-18 - To advertise and implement The Borough of Dacorum (St John's Well Lane, Water Lane and The Moor, Berkhamsted) (Off-Street Parking Places) 2018 Traffic Regulation Order.
 PH-018-18 - To advertise and install Berkhamsted multi-storey car park construction parking mitigations (PDF 99KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published:
16 August 2018
- To approve an exemption to comply with the Council's commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process.
PH-017-18 - Exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders to award contract (PDF 229KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published:
16 August 2018
- Delegation to award contracts for fire safety works and asbestos surveys and removals for Council-owned stock.
Part 2:
The report contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and private companies (LGA 1972, Part V, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 6 August 2018
PH-015-18 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce no waiting restrictions in London Road (A5183), Hemel Hempstead.
 PH-015-18-To undertake a statutory consultation on no waiting restrictions in London Road (A5183) (PDF 95KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published:
25 July 2018
- To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposed Borough of Dacorum (Hicks Road, Markyate) (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2018 Traffic Regulation Order.
PH-014-18 - Undertake a statutory consultation on proposed charging at Hicks Road car park, Markyate (PDF 94KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published:
25 July 2018
PH-013-18 -
To undertake a statutory consultation on a proposal to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone in Clarke's Spring, Aldbury and Railway Cottages, Station Road, Aldbury.
PH-013-18 - Proposed CPZ in Clarke's Spring, Aldbury and Railway Cottages, Station Road, Aldbury (PDF 93KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published:
27 June 2018
PH-012-18 -
To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposed Borough of Dacorum (Water Lane and St John's Well Lane, Berkhamsted) (Off-street Parking Places) Order 2018 Traffic Regulation Order.
PH-012-18 - Formally consult on the proposed Water Lane St Johns Off Street TRO (PDF 99KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 6 June 2018
PH-011-18 - Interim resourcing for the delivery of the Council's published accounts for 2017-2018
Part 2: The report contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and private companies (LGA 1972, Part V, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 6 June 2018
PH-010-18 - To award Dacorum Heritage Trust a grant of £58,000 for the 2018-2019 financial year.
 PH-010-18 - Heritage Funding Levels (PDF 29KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published:
23 March 2018
PH-009-18 -
To extend the operation of the Support for Pubs business rate relief scheme to the financial year 2018/19.
PH-009-18 Extension of support for pubs business rate relief scheme for 2018-19 (PDF 128 KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 20 March 2018
PH-008-18 - Consultation on a proposal to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone in Apsley.
 PH-008-18 Consultation on proposals to introduce a CPZ in Apsley (PDF 30KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published:
14 February 2018
PH-007-18 -
Award of contract for the Verge Hardening Programme
Part 2:
The report contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and private companies (LGA 1972, Part V, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published:
5 February 2018
- To award a contract for the proposed cemetery at Bunkers Park.
Part 2:
The report contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and private companies (LGA 1972, Part V, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published:
31 January 2018
PH-005-18 -
Verge hardening extended works by way of a Traffic Regulation Order for Waterside/Holliday Street.
PH-005-18 Verge hardening extended works by way of a Traffic Regulation Order for Waterside/Holliday Street (PDF 86KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published:
19 January 2018
PH-004-18 -
To advertise and implement the proposed extension of the G-controlled Parking Zone and various other waiting restrictions in Boxmoor.
 PH-004-18 Proposed G-Controlled Parking Zone formal consultation (PDF 96KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published:
19 January 2018
PH-003-18 -
To advertise and implement the proposed extension of the R-Controlled Parking Zone.
PH-003-18 Proposed R-Controlled Parking Zone formal consultation (PDF 94KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 18 January 2018
PH-002-18 - Community Grant Application
 PH-002-18-Community Grant application (PDF 81KB)

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Marshall
Date published: 16 January 2018
PH-001-18 - Tariff of Hackney Carriage fares and charges - removal of card payment surcharge.
 PH-001-18-Tariff of hackney carriage fares and charges (PDF 337KB)

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 13 February 2019 at 12:09 PM