Decisions 2019
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 17 January 2020
PH-040-19 - Consultation on the proposal to introduce the E-Controlled Parking Zone in Ebberns Road, Apsley.
PH-040-19 - Consultation on the proposal to introduce the E-Controlled Parking Zone in Ebberns Road, Apsley (PDF 35KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 15 January 2020
PH-039-19 - Consultation on the proposal to extend the existing S-Controlled Parking Zone to include Wood Crescent and Bevan Close.
PH-039-2019 - Consultation on the proposal to extend the existing S-Controlled Parking Zone to include Wood Crescent and Bevan Close (PDF 33KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 14 January 2020
PH-038-19 - To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to the structural engineering role for the Civic Zone Regeneration project.
Part 2 - That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 14 January 2020
PH-037-19 - Private Rented Sector - stock modelling.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (including the authority holding that information) (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor A Williams
Date published: 13 January 2020
PH-036-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce “No waiting at any time restrictions” outside Hubert Figg Pharmacy, 90 High Street, Berkhamsted.
PH-036-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce “No waiting at any time restrictions” outside Hubert Figg Pharmacy, 90 High Street, Berkhamsted (PDF 258KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor A Williams
Date published: 9 January 2020
PH-035-19 - To award a grant of £6,462.72 to Grovehill Youth Centre (now merged with Grovehill Neighbourhood Association) from the Community Grant Budget.
PH-035-19 - Award a grant of £6,462.72 to Grovehill Youth Centre (PDF 137KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor M Griffiths
Date published: 9 January 2020
PH-034-19 - Approval of the Rent and Other Charges Policy – Appendix 1
PH-034-2019 - Approval of the Rent and Other Charges Policy - Appendix 1 (PDF 270KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor G Sutton
Date published: 30 December 2019
PH-033-19 - Approval of Local Enforcement Plan (November 2019)
PH-033-19 - Approval of Local Enforcement Plan November 2019 (PDF 215KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor G Sutton
Date published: 23 December 2019
PH-032-19 - Approval of an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process, in relation to Hemel Hempstead Sustainable Transport Plan.
PH-032-19 - Approval of contract for Hemel Hempstead Sustainable Transport Plan (PDF 276KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 19 December 2019
PH-031-19 - To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to the supply and installation of an innovative ground stabilisation solution.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons. (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 27 November 2019
PH-030-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce the “Borough of Dacorum (Off-street Parking Places) Order 2020”.
PH-030-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce the “Borough of Dacorum (Off-street Parking Places) Order 2020” (PDF 161KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 27 November 2019
PH-029-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce the “Borough of Dacorum (Controlled Parking Zones) Order 2020”.
PH-029-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce the “Borough of Dacorum (Controlled Parking Zones) Order 2020” (PDF 154KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 27 November 2019
PH-028-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce an amendment to the “Borough of Dacorum (Off-street Parking Places) Order 2017”.
PH-028-19 -To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce an amendment to the “Borough of Dacorum (Off-street Parking Places) Order 2017” (PDF 129KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 13 November 2019
PH-027-19 - Approval of the Income Management Strategy 2018-2022.
PH-027-19 - Approval of the Income Management Strategy 2018-2022 (PDF 534KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Anderson
Date published: 14 October 2019
PH-026-19 - To retrospectively award a contract for the supply of liquid fuel for the Council’s fleet vehicles.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons. (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 10 October 2019
PH-025-19 - To award contracts directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to support for the Bunkers Park Cemetery development.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons. (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 3 October 2019
PH-024-19 - Homeless Prevention - Street Outreach.
PH-024-19 - Homeless Prevention - Street Outreach (PDF 220KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 28 August 2019
PH-023-19 - Consultation on a proposal to introduce changes to a number of waiting restrictions in Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead,
PH-023-19 - Marlowes proposed consultation (PDF 292KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 27 August 2019
PH-022-19 -To consult on the proposal to introduce junction protection waiting restrictions on the Lockers Park Lane, Bury Hill, Melsted Road junctions and to delegate the decision to introduce the restrictions if applicable to the Assistant Director for Corporate and Contracted Services (in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Contracted Services).
PH-022-19 - Proposal to introduce junction protection (PDF 259KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams
Date published: 27 August 2019
PH-021-19 -To advertise and enact the Borough of Dacorum (Village Centre, Leverstock Green) (Free Parking Places) (No.2) Order 2019 Traffic Regulation Order.
PH-021-19 - To advertise and enact the Borough of Dacorum (Village Centre, Leverstock Green) (Free Parking Places) (No.2) Order 2019 Traffic Regulation Order (PDF 118KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 21 August 2019
PH-020-19 - Approval of the Safety in Communal Areas Policy.
PH-020-19 - Approval of the Safety in Communal Areas Policy (PDF 203KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 21 August 2019
PH-019-19 -Allocations Policy amendments
PH-019-2019 - Allocations Policy amendments (PDF 600KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 21 August 2019
PH-018-19 - Approval for a rental holiday for Frogmore Mill
Part 2: That the report contains commercially sensitive information that relate to the financial and business affairs of a third party and Dacorum Borough Council's commercial assets portfolio.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Anderson
Date published: 13 August 2019
PH-017-19 - Purchase of replacement workshop equipment crucial to the safe running of the vehicle maintenance operations.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons. (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Griffiths
Date published: 15 May 2019
PH-016-19 - Delegation to award contracts and suspension of the Council's Standing Orders for fire safety works.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 8 May 2019
PH-015-19 - To award contract for the supply of Microsoft Enterprise Licences for a three-year period.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 30 April 2019
PH-014-19 - Premature births pay and leave.
PH-014-19 - Premature births pay and leave (PDF 135KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 11 April 2019
PH-013-19 - To award Dacorum Heritage Trust a grant of £58,000 for the 2019/20 financial year.
PH-013-19 - Heritage funding levels (PDF 30KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 10 April 2019
PH-012-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on the proposal to remove a section of resident permit bay and replace it with a no-waiting-at-any-time restriction.
PH-012-19 - Proposal to remove a section of permit bay (PDF 135KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 19 March 2019
PH-011-19 - Delegation to award the contract for the construction of a new cemetery at Bunkers Park, Hemel Hempstead.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 8 March 2019
PH-010-19 - Part 1 and 2 - Approval of the award of contracts for debt recovery and enforcement agents.
PH-010-19 - Debt recovery Part 1 (PDF 132KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 6 March 2019
PH-009-19 - Business rates retail discount 2019-2021.
PH-009-19 - Business rates retail discount 2019-2021 (PDF 207 KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 5 March 2019
PH-008-19 - To approve an exemption to comply with the Council's commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to: Construction of substation and associated ducting works, Dacorum Way, Hemel Hempstead.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Sutton
Date published: 21 February 2019
PH-007-19- Temporary contract arrangements for Hemel Hempstead Market.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Harden
Date published: 7 February 2019
PH-006-19- Customer Service Unit operational changes.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder:Councillor Harden
Date published: 17 January 2019
PH-005-19- To award a grant of £5,000 to Long Marston Tennis Club for ‘Project Tiger’ from the Community Grant Budget.
PH-004-19 - Long Marston Tennis Club Community Grant (PDF 208KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 17 January 2019
PH-004-19 - Delegation to award the contract for the Housing Benefit Resilience Service.
Part 2: That the report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (LGA 1972, Part VA, Schedule 12A paragraph 3).
Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 17 January 2019
PH-003-19-To undertake a consultation on the proposal to introduce on-street limited waiting restrictions at Leverstock Green Village Centre and to implement the restriction if applicable.
PH-003-19 - Undertake a consultation on proposed introduction of on-street limited wait at Leverstock Green Village Centre (PDF 107KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Elliot
Date published: 17 January 2019
PH-002-19 -To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process.
PH-002-19 - To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning and procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process (PDF 132KB)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Collins
Date published: 17 January 2019
PH-001-1 -To undertake a statutory consultation on a proposal to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone in Apsley.
PH-001-19 - To undertake a statutory consultation on a proposal to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone in Apsley (PDF 96KB)
Page Last Updated: Monday, 07 August 2023 at 09:32 AM