Portfolio Holders
Each Cabinet member is responsible for a different area of the Council’s work. This is called a ‘portfolio’. Full Council has given the portfolio holders the authority to make key decisions about subjects within their portfolios.
The portfolio holders are:
- Leader of the Council and Place - Cllr Adrian England
- Deputy Leader and Housing and Property Services - Cllr Simy Dhyani
- Corporate and Commercial Services - Cllr William Allen
- Neighbourhood Operations - Cllr Robin Bromham
- People and Transformation (including Climate and Ecological Emergency) - Cllr Caroline Smith-Wright
Notice of Portfolio Holder decisions
When a Portfolio Holder intends to make a key decision, we will give at least 28 clear days’ notice on this website (in line with The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to information) (England) Regulations 2012).
The items marked 'part 2' contain confidential or exempt information which cannot be shared with the general public.
There are seven categories of exempt information (PDF 41 KB)
More information
Please email member.support@dacorum.gov.uk if you would like:
- more information about a decision;
- a list of the documents submitted to the Portfolio Holder for consideration;
- a copy of, or extracts from any of the listed documents;
- an address to which you may submit relevant documents to the portfolio holder; or
- the reasons ('Part 2' items) for restricting general access.
Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 08 October 2024 at 08:31 AM