Providing homes and community services
Click on the headings below for further information-
Gypsies and Travellers Study - Accommodation Needs (Stage 1) - 2005
April 2005
An assessment of the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers in south and west Hertfordshire was completed in April 2005. The study was jointly undertaken with neighbouring local authorities and Hertfordshire County Council. Following this, the authorities commissioned a second study to look at the "Identification of Potential Gypsy and Traveller Sites" to assist discussion on how their needs could be met. This study was published in April 2005.
- Summary of Gypsies and Travellers Study - Accommodation Needs (PDF 139 KB)
- Gypsies and Travellers Study - Accommodation Needs - Main Report (PDF 916 KB)
- Gypsies and Travellers Study - Accommodation Needs - Appendix (PDF 561 KB)
- Supplementary Note on Watford Borough Council (PDF 270 KB)
Printed copies
- Gypsies and Travellers Study - Accommodation Needs: Stage 1 - £30 plus £2 post and packaging
Gypsies and Travellers Study - Potential Sites (Stage 2) - 2007
March 2007
Dacorum Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council commissioned a study to look at the "Identification of Potential Gypsy and Traveller Sites" to assist discussion on how their needs could be met. This study was published in March 2007.
- Introduction and Executive Summary. Chapters 1 - 2 (PDF 490KB)
- Site Selection Criteria. Chapter 3.1 (PDF 4.72 MB)
- Map of Extent of Green Belt and AONB (PDF 254KB)
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping and Appraisal, Site Visits and Ground Truthing. Chapters 3.2 - 3.3 (PDF 697 KB)
- Identified Sites in Dacorum. Chapter 4.1 - 4.2 (PDF 857 KB)
- Identified Sites in Hertsmere. Chapter 4.3 (PDF 929 KB)
- Identified Sites in St. Albans. Chapter 4.4 (PDF 948 KB)
- Identified Sites in Three Rivers. Chapter 4.5 (PDF 1.48 MB)
- Identified Sites in Watford. Chapter 4.6 (PDF 870 KB)
- Recommended Policy Criteria. Chapter 5 (PDF 203 KB)
- Summary: Site and Policy Recommendations. Chapter 6 (PDF 2.13 MB)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3: Recommended sites in Dacorum overlaid on the Local Plan Maps
- Map of Tring (PDF 3.09 MB)
- Map of Tring Rural (PDF 1.69 MB)
- Map of Berkhamsted (PDF 4.43 MB)
- Map of North Hemel Hempstead (PDF 5.29 MB)
- Map of South Hemel Hempstead (PDF 4.74 MB)
- Map of Apsley (PDF 3.15 MB)
- Map of Bovingdon (PDF 4.24 MB)
- Map of Markyate (PDF 4.27 MB)
Printed copies
- Gypsies and Travellers - Identification of Potential Sites: Stage 2 - £50 plus £5 post and packaging
Urban Capacity Study - 2005
January 2005
The Urban Capacity Study and the Employment Study were both completed in January 2005 and were joint studies undertaken with Watford and Three Rivers Councils.
The Urban Capacity Study examines the potential in Dacorum for further residential development within the existing urban areas. Different types of potential development were considered including, for example, using vacant land, reviewing existing housing allocations in the Local Plan and living over shops.
The Employment Study looks at how much land needs to be safeguarded for employment uses over the period to 2021 and whether there is any potential for any releases for other uses.
Summary of Urban Capacity Study (PDF 352 KB)
Consultation Report (PDF 2.54 MB)
Non-Technical Summary (PDF 352 KB)
Volume 1: Main Report
Volume 2: Design Exercises
Volume 3: Site Schedules for Dacorum
Volume 4: Mapping of the Sites
Hemel Hempstead (by ward)
Volume 5: Appendix "Greenfield" Housing Allocations
Volume 5: Appendix 'Greenfield' Housing Allocations (PDF 245 KB)
Printed copies
- £60 plus £5 post and packaging
Dacorum Sport and Recreation Study - Indoor Facilities - 2006
March 2006
The Indoor Recreation Facilities Study assesses public, private and voluntary provision across the borough, including sports centres, health clubs and sports uses of community centres and village halls. Recommendations are included in the Strategy and Action Plan.
Printed copies
- Assessment Report - £15 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
- Strategy and Action Plan - £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Dacorum Sport and Recreation Study - Outdoor Facilities - 2006
October 2006
The Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study assesses the provision of pitches, courts and greens, identifies clubs and teams and assesses the need for additional provision. Local standards are set for sub-areas of the borough, in accordance with Sport England's Electronic Toolkit and a Strategy Action Plan is developed.
Printed copies
- Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study - £20 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Housing Market Background Paper - 2006
July 2006
This background study provides an overview of the housing market. It includes information on house prices and sales, rents, income and general demand.
The documents will be used as technical information to inform the preparation of the new Local Development Framework. It should be noted, however, that these documents will be combined with the findings from other technical work that is being carried out.
The combined data will be used to develop a strategy on which consultation will be undertaken once the evidence base is completed and there are some ideas to discuss. It is therefore important to understand that these documents represent a viewpoint that looks at the individual issue in isolation from the other technical work.
For example, the Urban Capacity Study does not consider the need for land for other uses such as social or education. It may be, therefore, that we take a position that differs from the recommendations set out in the technical reports.
Printed copies
- Housing Market Background Paper - £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Social and Community Facilities - 2006
January 2006
The Social and Community Facilities Study examines the current provision of community facilities across the borough of Dacorum, such as education, health, childcare, elderly care, religious and cultural activities, and seeks to address any issues of need arising from their current use. It also looks at community facilities over a wider timeframe to 2021 and the likely requirements for additional facilities within the borough.
Printed copies
- Social and Community Facilities Study - £20 plus £2 post and packaging
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - 2008
October 2008
This study was commissioned jointly by Dacorum Borough Council, Three Rivers District Council and Watford Borough Council, to estimate the available housing potential across the three council areas.
Non-Technical Summary
Volume 1
Volume 2 - Part 1: Design Case Studies
Volume 2 - Part 2: 3-D Design Exercises
Volume 3: Site Schedules
Volume 4: Mapping
Printed copies
- £50 plus £5 postage and packaging
Housing Land Availability Paper - 2009
April 2009
This Housing Land Availability Paper supports technical work on our Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD). It will form part of the evidence base to the Core Strategy and will help guide decisions on potential housing sites through the preferred approach to the Site Allocations DPD.
Printed copies
- £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Population Background Note - 2009
April 2009
This background paper forms part of the preparation for our Emerging Core Strategies paper. We have considered how the population will grow over the next 22 years and how this projection helps us to determine the optimal level of housing provision for each settlement from 2006-2031.
Printed copies
- £2 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Affordable Housing and Section 106 Viability Study - 2009
November 2009
Provides advice on the viability of affordable housing provision for different locations, types and sizes, to enable clear assessments to be made on the financial impact of different levels of provision and tenure split. The study is accompanied by the 'Three Dragons Toolkit', a development economics modelling package. Jointly commissioned with Watford and Three Rivers Councils.
Printed copies
- £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2008 (SHMA) Report of Study Findings - 2010
April 2010
Examines the issue of need across the Hertfordshire housing market area. The study will help inform Local Development Framework policies relating to affordable housing targets and tenure splits. Jointly commissioned by the planning and housing departments of all Hertfordshire districts.
Printed copies
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment - £30 plus £2 postage and packaging.
- On CD: £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Stage 2 Review of the South West Hertfordshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2010
June 2010
Printed copies
£20 plus £2 postage and packaging
Housing Land Availability Study - 2011
July 2011
This Housing Land Availability Paper supports technical work on our Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD). It will form part of the evidence base to the Core Strategy and will help guide decisions on potential housing sites through the preferred approach to the Site Allocations DPD.
Housing Land Availability Paper (PDF 392 KB)
Printed copies
- £5 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Sports Facilities Audit 2011
March 2012
Sports Facilities Audit 2011 (PDF 2.30 MB)
Printed copies
- £10 including postage and packaging
- Sports Policy Statement and Action Plan 2012
Assessment of Potential Local Allocations and Strategic Sites - Final Assessment - 2012
June 2012
Assessment of Potential Local Allocations and Strategic Sites - Final Assessment (PDF 3.83 MB)
Printed copies
- £20 plus £2 postage and packaging
Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment Update - 2013
January 2013
Three Rivers and Dacorum Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment Update (PDF 933 KB)
Printed copies
- £10 plus £1.50 postage and packaging
Local Allocations - Archaeological Assessments 2014
Desk-based assessments
Trial trench reports
Note: No Trial Trench Assessment was required for LA6.
Geophysics report and maps
Outdoor Leisure Facilities Study 2014
September 2014
This is the Playing Pitch Assessment Report (incorporating all outdoor sports facilities) prepared by Knight, Kavanagh and Page (KKP) for us. It updates the previous 2006 Dacorum Sport and Recreation Study (Outdoor Facilities).
SC2-Outdoor Leisure Facilities Study (PDF 3MB)
Printed copies- £20 for all four reports - plus £2 postage and packaging
Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan - update (2015)
June 2015
The Playing Pitch Strategy provides a clear, strategic framework for the improvement of existing playing pitches/facilities and provision of new pitches/facilities over the next ten years from 2015-2025.
Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan update 2015 (PDF 1.61MB)
Printed copies
- £20 for all four reports - plus £2 postage and packaging
Page Last Updated: Thursday, 19 January 2017 at 02:26 PM