Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Forms 1-14

Form 1: CIL Additional Information Form

  • Form 1: CIL Additional Information
  • CIL Additional Information Form Guidance
  • Those applying for planning permission should submit the CIL Additional Information Form (see above) along with their planning application, so that our CIL team can determine whether the proposed development is CIL liable.

    Applicants should also use the Additional Information Form Guidance (see above) when filling out the CIL Additional Information Form.

    CIL Forms 2-14 may also need to be completed depending on whether your development is liable for CIL and what stage of the planning process you are at. Please check below:

    Form 2: Assumption of Liability

    Once your application for planning permission is granted we will issue a Liability Notice. This will outline the charge due, those parties that we consider to be liable to pay CIL and details of the payment procedure. Liability must be assumed by the applicant or liable party by completing Form 1, and in order to make any claim for an exemption to CIL.

    It would help us to produce a correct liability notice if this information is submitted at an early stage in the planning process. If a liable party needs to withdraw or transfer their liability, they must complete either Form 3 or Form 4 (see below). Revised Liability Notices will be issued to reflect any changes in liability.

    If nobody has assumed liability prior to the start of development, a surcharge of £50 per person will be imposed

    Forms 3 and 4: Withdrawing or Transferring Assumed Liability

    If at any point during the application process a liable party should need to withdraw or transfer their liability, either Form 3: Withdrawal of Assumption of Liability or Form 4: Transfer of Liability, should be completed. Parties may transfer liability to pay at any time up to the day before the date when final payment is due.

    Form 5: Notice of Chargeable Development

    This form should be used by landowners to notify us that they intend to start work on a development that does not need planning permission but which may be liable for the levy.

    A CIL charge may apply to a development that is granted as part of a general permitted development order, local development order, neighbourhood development order and a community right to build order. We may also issue Notices of Chargeable Development where we consider that liable development has occurred.

    Form 6: Commencement Notice

    A commencement notice must be submitted at least one day before work begins on site. We will then issue a demand notice to all liable parties indicating the amount of CIL due.

    A failure to submit a commencement notice will result in a surcharge equal to 20 per cent of the chargeable amount or £2,500, whichever is the lower.

    Claiming Exemption and/or Relief from CIL

    We have adopted policies for:

    These policies should be read prior to the completion of the relevant CIL exemption form.

    In order for a development to qualify for any type of relief or an exemption from CIL, we must receive Form 7 (part 1), Form 8, Form 9, Form 10 or Form 11 as appropriate, prior to commencement.

    If you should need to claim for an exemption, you must await approval of any relief/exemption from us before starting work on site. Failure to do so will disqualify the development from relief/exemption, as an exemption from CIL cannot be granted after development has begun.

    Form 7: Self-Build Exemption Claim (Part 1 and 2)

    Please complete and submit Forms 7 (parts 1 and 2) if you wish to claim an exemption for building a new dwelling. In order to qualify for a self-build exemption your development must meet certain criteria. This can be found on the Government website.

    Form 8: Residential Annex Exemption Claim

    Please complete and submit Form 8 if you wish to claim an exemption from CIL for building a residential annex.

    Form 9: Residential Extension Exemption claim

    Please complete and submit Form 9 if you wish to claim an exemption from CIL for building an extension to your home.

    Form 10: Claiming Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief

    Please complete and submit Form 10 if you wish to claim charitable and/or social housing relief from CIL.

    Form 11: Claiming Exceptional Circumstances Relief

    Please complete and submit Form 11 if you wish to claim exceptional circumstances relief from CIL.

    Form 12: Further Charitable Social Housing Relief

    Please complete and submit Form 12 if your development has previously been granted charitable or social housing relief, your development has been amended by a Section 73 permission and you wish to claim further charitable or social housing relief from CIL.

    Form 13: Claiming Further Exemption for Self-Build, Residential Annex or Residential Extension

    Please complete and submit Form 13 if your development has previously been granted self-build, residential annex or residential extension exemption from CIL, your development has been amended by a Section 73 permission and you wish to claim further exemption from CIL.  

    Form 14: Application for a Phase Credit

    If you have assumed CIL liability for a phase of a development where planning permission was granted prior to the implementation of Dacorum's Charging Schedule on 1 July 2015, but a subsequent phase of the development is now liable to CIL and you wish to offset the CIL liability, you can apply for a 'phase credit' by completing and submitting Form 14.

    All forms can be submitted by email to our CIL Team at or by post to Strategic Planning and Regeneration, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1DN.

    Further information

    Page Last Updated: Friday, 18 August 2023 at 10:40 AM