Tenants' handbook
On this page you'll find all the information you need to know about being a tenant. The factsheets below have replaced all previous paper editions of the Tenants' handbook. You can download and keep them for future reference. You should also refer to your Tenancy Agreement.
Rights and responsibilities
We are a Registered Social Landlord, so your tenancy with us comes with rights and responsibilities, some of which are set out in law. Many of these can be found in your Tenancy Agreement.
All registered providers of social housing must make information available to tenants about the relevant roles and responsibilities of senior level employees or officers.
The officer with overall responsibility for Dacorum Borough Council's compliance with the consumer standards is Darren Welsh, Strategic Director of Housing and Property Services.
The officer with overall responsibility for our property compliance is Mark Pinnell, Assistant Director Property Services.
Contact us
You can contact the Housing team by emailing housing@dacorum.gov.uk or by phoning 01442 228000 and asking for "Housing". To contact the Compliance Team, email compliance@dacorum.gov.uk or call 01442 228000 and ask for "Compliance".
Page Last Updated: Thursday, 29 February 2024 at 05:10 PM