Licensable activities
You will need a licence from us if you plan to carry on a licensable activity, as listed on this page. The legislation also sets out a number of exemptions, for situations in which licences will not be required, and we have outlined these on this page as well.
This area of regulation has become increasingly complex over the last few years, and unfortunately we can only offer basic advice about what does and does not require a licence. If you have a specific or complex query, you may wish to consider approaching an independent specialist adviser or legal representative for advice.
Click on each activity heading below for further details.
General exemptions
In addition to the specific exemptions set out under each activity above, there are also a number of more general exemptions, which apply across multiple activities. Licences will not be required if you are only providing activities that fall within one of the following circumstances:
- entertainment provided for the purposes of, or for purposes incidental to, a religious meeting or service
- entertainment provided at a place of public religious worship
- use of television or radio equipment to receive and play programmes at the time of broadcast
- entertainment provided at a non-commercial garden fete (or similar function or event), where no part of the proceeds is taken as private gain
- music or dancing provided in connection with a display of morris dancing, or similar
- entertainment provided on a moving vehicle
- entertainment at travelling circuses (excluding films, boxing or wrestling) between 8am and 11pm only
Entertainment which is provided between 8am and 11pm in any of the following circumstances is also exempt from licensing requirements:
- entertainment provided by (or on behalf of) a health care provider, at a hospital owned or occupied by that provider
- entertainment provided by (or on behalf of) a school proprietor, on the school premises
- entertainment provided by (or on behalf of) county, district, town or parish councils at any non-domestic premises or land in which they have a legal or financial interest.
Page Last Updated: Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 02:22 PM