Current licensing applications
When businesses apply for new premises licences or club premises certificates, or to make significant variations to existing licences, or are subject to licence review proceedings, members of the public may make representations, either opposing or supporting the application. Details of all such applications will appear on this page.
For further information about making a representation, please see our advice for residents pages.
Representations must be made within certain prescribed time periods - usually within 28 days of the application being made, but this may be shorter for certain types of application. Please see the covering page of each application listed below for details of the relevant deadline.
Applications currently under consideration
If the list below is empty, then there are currently no applications being considered. However, this page will be updated frequently, so please check back soon.
Application for minor variation of premises licence, Harvester, London Road, Flamstead, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 8HT
PDF, 193 KB
Application for variation of premises licence, The Co-op, 52 Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 2HX
PDF, 192 KB
Application for grant of premises licence, Nellies Fine Wine Bar, Ground Floor 154-156 High Street, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 3AT
PDF, 198 KB
Previous applications
Only applications which are currently being considered will be displayed on this page, and applications will be removed when the deadline for representations to be made has passed. However, details of previous applications or current licences are available on our public register, which can be viewed at our offices.
Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 01 October 2024 at 03:30 PM