Apply to film in Dacorum

If you are interested in filming in Dacorum, please complete the form below. We will respond within three days.
If you have any further enquiries, please email or call 07814 067111.

Location manager details

Production details

Select choices

Please indicate if any of the following feature in any scene

Equipment, vehicles and parking

Please indicate if any of the following feature in any scene

Please read notes at the bottom of this page

For example, likely effect on highway, traffic, pedestrians or noise)

Fees and charges

There is a minimum administration fee of £140 plus VAT for all filming applications - this will vary, dependant on application and resource availability. Where filming takes place on council property (for example, parks) the following fees apply. Please tick one of the following:

Please note: set up and strike days will be charged at 50 per cent of the full day rate.

Additional information


Your company will need to have a minimum of £5million of public liability insurance cover. Please email a copy of your policy alongside this application to

How we use your information

We process your information in accordance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

For more information, please see our privacy policies.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 03 June 2024 at 10:05 AM