Site Allocations Focused Changes Pre-Submission document 2015

Why were changes made to the Site Allocations document?

On 12 August 2015 we published a consultation document on a limited number of changes to the Site Allocations Pre-Submission DPD (development plan document). This followed on from feedback we received during the 2014 Site Allocations consultation, along with other advice received. The documents relating to this consultation are published below, along with the subsequent Cabinet Report, the Report of Representations, which summarises all comments received, plus a list of proposed minor changes to the document.


The consultation documents consisted of a Written Statement and Map Book.

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Site Allocations Pre-Submission Focused Changes Written Statement (PDF 6.08 MB)

Map Book

This has been divided into chapters due to the size of the files:

Map Book: Introduction (PDF 1 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 2 - Promoting Sustainable Development (PDF 8.10 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 3 - Enabling Convenient Access between Homes, Jobs and Facilities (PDF 5.15 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 4 - Providing for Offices, Industry, Storage and Distribution (PDF 2.54 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 5 - Supporting Retailing and Commerce (PDF 1.8 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 6 - Providing Homes (PDF 7.33 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 7 - Meeting Community Needs (PDF 3.51 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 8 - Enhancing the Natural Environment (PDF 4.45 MB)
Map Book: Chapter 9 - Conserving the Historic Environment (7.89 MB)

To view the comments received, please see our consultation portal.

Updated Background Issues Papers

 Looking After the Environment - Background Issues Paper (PDF 2.52 MB)
 Looking After the Environment - Appendices Part 1 - Background Issues Paper (PDF 13.2 MB)
 Looking After the Environment - Appendices Part 2 - Background Issues Paper (PDF 8.87 MB)
 Strengthening Economic Prosperity - Background Issues Paper (PDF 7.07 MB)
 Providing Homes and Community Services - Background Issues Paper (PDF 5.78 MB)
 Providing Homes and Community Services - Technical Appendices - Background Issues Paper (PDF 978 KB)
 Sustainable Development Strategy (PDF 6.17 MB)
 Sustainable Development Strategy Appendix 2 - Background Issues Paper (PDF 8.84 MB)
 Sustainable Development Strategy Appendix 3 and 4 - Background Issues Paper (PDF 5.75 MB) 
 Additional Burial Space to Serve the Tring Area (PDF 5.01 MB)

Sustainability Appraisal update

As well as the Focused Changes, there has been an update to the Sustainability Appraisal Report. The addendum report assesses the Focused Changes now proposed to the plan, in terms of their likely social, economic and environmental impacts.

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report (PDF 341 KB)
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Appendices (PDF 983 KB)

Report of Representations

All representations received (both supporting and objecting to the Focused Changes) have been summarised in a ‘Report of Representations’.

Report of Representations Jan 2016 - Part 1 (PDF 1.53MB)
Report of Representations Jan 2016 - Part 2 (PDF 1.87MB)

This was considered by Cabinet and Full Council, together with a recommendation on how to proceed. Only comments on the Focused Changes were considered and we have not revisited issues already raised and considered through earlier rounds of consultation.

Cabinet Report - Focused Changes and Submission - December 2015 (PDF 190KB)

No significant new issues were raised through the Focused Changes consultation. Minor changes have been proposed as a result of representations received and these can be see in the report below:

Schedule of Changes Proposed in Response to Representations on the Focused Changes (PDF 913KB)

The Site Allocations DPD (incorporating the Focused Changes) and associated documents were submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for formal examination on 5 February 2016. Following receipt of the Inspector’s Report, Cabinet and Full Council will consider the Inspector's findings. More information on the Examination can be found on our Site Allocations Examination page.

It is hoped that the final Site Allocations DPD can be adopted by the Council in mid-late 2016. The policies and proposals it contains are, however, already being taken into account as material planning considerations when determining planning applications.

What is the relationship of this document and the Local Allocation master plans?

The Focused Changes consultation only covered changes we wish to make to the Site Allocations document. It did not include any changes that may be required to the draft master plans for each of the Local Allocations (housing sites on land to be removed from the Green Belt).

However, some of the changes proposed in the Site Allocations relating to these sites will need to be made to the draft master plans in order to ensure consistency across the documents.

Cabinet agreed some further changes to the master plans at its meeting on 13 October 2015.  These master plans will remain in their final draft form until after the Site Allocations DPD is finalised. This is to ensure that any changes required by the Planning Inspectorate to the Site Allocations DPD are reflected in the master plans and avoid any discrepancies in content.

As the master plans form part of the background evidence for the Site Allocations Examination they do not need to be formally examined by a Planning Inspector. It is hoped that the master plans will be adopted by the Council at the same time as the final Site Allocations DPD.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 25 June 2018 at 10:47 AM

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