LA3 West Hemel Hempstead

The  LA3 Master Plan document (PDF 11MB) was adopted on 12 July 2017.


Workshop - 15 May 2013

We held a community workshop attended by selected residents and stakeholders in May 2013. This considered local issues and put forward ideas. The workshop was run independently of the Council. The report of the workshop can be downloaded below.

Public consultation: 15 July - 12 August 2013

A four-week public consultation was held between 15 July and 12 August 2013, giving residents and stakeholders the opportunity to get involved in influencing the form and layout of the development. During this time, a public exhibition was held at Warners End Community Centre on 22 July 2013 to seek feedback on proposals for the new housing development at West Hemel Hempstead. Council officers and landowner representatives were available to answer questions.

View all the comments made via our online consultation portal.


A petition was submitted to Full Council on 25 September 2013. It stated that “We, the undersigned oppose Dacorum Borough Council building on Green Belt land at West Hemel Hempstead, (known as LA3).” The petition contained over 1,800 signatures and was organised by the West Hemel Action Group (WHAG). 

The inclusion of the LA3 site within the Core Strategy formed an important part of the debate at the Full Council meeting. After this debate members voted by 36 to 4 to adopt the Core Strategy. To view the full minutes of the meeting, please search our meetings calendar.

An earlier petition was also received in May 2013 in objection to the proposed site at LA3. The covering note to this petition and our response have been provided in the links below for information.

Draft Master Plan

Consultation on the draft master plan took place between 24 September and 5 November 2014.

All the comments we received on the master plans can be viewed on our online consultation portal.

Our response to comments received is set out in the reports below.

Evidence base

The supporting evidence for the Master Plan is available on our Site Allocations Examination Library page.

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 September 2017 at 08:50 AM

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