Urban design advice
Urban design means the design of groups of buildings and the spaces between them, streets and whole areas. Urban design transcends arguments about the architectural style of individual buildings and focuses instead on our total surroundings. The way to promote good urban design is through provision of a clear design policy and by fostering quality in the design of public buildings and spaces.
Attractive and lively buildings, streets, parks and neighbourhoods, especially those with a mixture of compatible uses and historic character, all contribute to making the area a special place, which is a pleasure to live in. The quality of our surroundings is also now recognised as a vital factor in attracting and retaining businesses, employers and tourists.
Current government policy asks developers "to think imaginatively in future as to how proposals can incorporate mixed land uses, to produce lively and successful developments and provide a positive contribution to the quality of our towns and cities".
For more on urban design advice, please click on the headings below.Page Last Updated: Thursday, 19 January 2017 at 02:45 PM