Planning appeals

If we turn your application down, you can challenge our decision.

First, contact the case officer who processed your application. You can contact them directly to arrange this (their contact details will be on your online application). If the objections to the proposal can be overcome through negotiation you can submit a revised application that stands a far higher chance of being accepted.

If we can’t reach an agreement, you can appeal – as long as you do it within a certain time.

For householder applicants, the time limit to submit an appeal is 12 weeks from the date of the notice of the decision.

In most other cases, the period for submitting an appeal is six months.

Find out more on appealing a planning decision on the website.

Apply, track or comment on an appeal

Make an application to appeal or search for a planning notice decision

Track an appeal you have made on our planning portal

Make a comment on an appeal or search for a completed case

Contact us


Page Last Updated: Monday, 30 April 2018 at 08:34 AM

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