The Dacorum Compact
The Dacorum Compact: Working Together (PDF 419KB) is a written agreement built on shared values, understanding and mutual respect between the statutory sector and the voluntary and community sector, for the benefit of Dacorum communities.
Working Together is based on key principles from the National Compact. It provides a framework for the relationship between the different sectors and aims to develop partnership working, leading to better outcomes for people in Dacorum.
Want to sign up to the Dacorum Compact? Simply download, complete and return this form: Signing up to the Dacorum Compact (PDF 518KB).
Compact signatories
- Age UK Dacorum
- Community Action Dacorum
- Dacortium
- Dacorum Borough Council
- Dacorum Citizens Advice Bureau
- Dacorum Communities for Learning
- Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter
- Excite-ed
- Relate Dacorum, Watford and Three Rivers
- Volunteer Centre Dacorum
Page Last Updated: Friday, 19 February 2021 at 10:49 AM