Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) collection and expenditure

CIL collection

The CIL regulations require the payment of CIL within 60 days of the start of chargeable development, unless an authority introduces an instalments policy. We recognise the potential financial burden that this may place upon developers and the implications for scheme viability. We are committed to using the mechanisms set out in the CIL regulations to ease this burden, including the publication of policies covering our approach to discretionary relief, exceptional circumstances relief, instalments and payments in kind. The policies can be viewed on our main CIL page

Neighbourhood proportion

We are required to pass on 15 per cent of CIL funds to town, parish and neighbourhood areas. This rises to 25 per cent in areas with an adopted neighbourhood development plan.

CIL expenditure

CIL receipts are used for the administration of CIL, (five per cent) reallocated to town/parish and other neighbourhood areas (15 per cent) or held and spent directly by us on new infrastructure items (80 per cent). Decisions regarding the expenditure of CIL funds held by us will be made by an Infrastructure Advisory Group (IAG), comprising officers and members of both borough and county councils, and representatives of key stakeholders in the delivery of infrastructure. This group will generally consider larger bids for new infrastructure items.

Making applications for CIL funds

We have developed a revised timetable for the preparation of the new Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP).

The emerging Local Plan will be key to identifying and prioritising the infrastructure requirements for Dacorum, particularly given the high levels of growth that are likely. Therefore, it's crucial that the development of the IDP, which identifies the priority spending for CIL and S106 in the borough for strategic infrastructure projects, should align with the emerging Local Plan process.

Spending of any CIL monies will be deferred in accordance with the revised timetable until key strategic priorities are determined. For more information, please visit our Local Development Scheme page.

Policies on CIL expenditure

We are developing a new Infrastructure Delivery Plan as part of our new Local Plan. This will inform how we will use CIL, together with Section 106 to deliver the infrastructure required to sustain and support growth in the borough.

To ensure transparency, we are required to publish annual reports outlining how much revenue from the levy has been received, what it has been spent on and how much is left.

Page Last Updated: Friday, 21 June 2024 at 11:48 AM

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