Hemel Old Town Place Project
The Hemel Old Town Place Project has an aim to create a place where residents, businesses, community facilities and all stakeholders can thrive and feel pride in their local area. Establishing a place where people want to live, work and prosper. The Place Project Team approach will ensure that, along with key stakeholders and partners, we focus and align action and intervention in a coordinated and focused effort.
The Hemel Old Town Place Project aims to meet publicly with stakeholders on a regular basis. The first meeting took place on 13 October 2021, and most recently on 29 June 2023.
Hemel Old Town Place Public Survey
The survey was carried in June 2022 to understand views from the local community on opportunities for enhancing the Old Town area. The survey was open for six weeks. In this period, 335 people responded leaving 368 contributions. There has been 1,437 total visitors to the site in the consultation period. Not all participants chose to answer all of the survey and demographics questions. More information, including a list of all public responses to the survey and future project work, can be found on the Commonplace website.
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Page Last Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2023 at 10:37 AM