Statements of Common Ground and Supporting Evidence

Statements of Common Ground

Statements of Common Ground
Document no. Document title Date published Produced by
SG1  Vincent and Gorbing (for Taylor Wimpey), Rapleys (for Barratt North London) and Hertfordshire County Council (Hertfordshire Property) Land at Pouchen End Lane, West Hemel Hempstead (LA3) (PDF 3MB) (also see supporting evidence JS1-8)
 Statement of Endorsement (PDF 229KB)
August 2012 Dacorum Borough Council
SG2 Sellwood Planning (for Gleeson Strategic Land) and the Homes and Communities Agency. Local Allocation LA1 Land at Marchmont Farm, Hemel Hempstead (LA1) (also see supporting evidence JS9-11) August 2012 Dacorum Borough Council
SG3  Cala Homes. Local Allocation LA5 Land at Icknield Way, West of Tring (LA5) (PDF 2MB) (see also supporting evidence JS12) August 2012 Dacorum Borough Council
SG4  Hertfordshire County Council (PDF 297KB)  September 2012 Dacorum Borough Council
SG5  Woolf Bond Planning LLP (for Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd). Strategic Site SS1. Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted (PDF 515KB) (also see supporting evidence JS13-18) To follow Dacorum Borough Council
SG6  Lone Star Land Ltd (for Mr and Mrs Brightman) and Bidwells (for Mr and Mrs Ball). Local Allocation LA4 Land at and to the rear of Hanburys, Shootersway, Berkhamsted (LA4) (PDF 482KB) To follow Dacorum Borough Council 
SG7  The Ministry of Justice. Local Allocation LA6 at Chesham Road, Bovingdon (LA6) (PDF 511KB) September 2012  Dacorum Borough Council 
SG8 Local Allocation LA2 Old Town, Hemel Hempstead (LA2)


September 2012 Dacorum Borough Council 
SG9  Savills (for Grand Union Investments). Land South of Berkhamsted (PDF 724KB)  October 2012  Dacorum Borough Council  

Local Allocations - Supporting Evidence to the Statements of Common Ground

Joint Statements
Document no. Document title Date published Produced by
JS1 Land at Pouchen End, West Hemel Hempstead. Report on Landscape and Visual Matters( LA3) July 2012 David Williams Landscape Consultancy
JS2  Means of Access and Transport Appraisal for Land at Fields End, Hemel Hempstead (LA3) (PDF 6.83MB) May 2012 Stomor Civil Engineering Consultants
JS3 Land a West Hemel Hempstead, Flooding and Drainage Assessment (LA3) July 2012 JMP Consultants Limited
JS4 Land at West Hemel Hempstead (LA3) June 2012 JMP Consultants Limited
JS5  Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, Land at West Hemel Hempstead (LA3) (PDF 4.26MB) April 2012 CgMs
JS6  Land at Pouchen End, Hemel Hempstead, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey (LA3) (PDF 2.11MB) April 2012 ACD Ecology
JS7 Ecological Survey of land at Fields End, Hemel Hempstead (LA3) May 2011 Ecological Solutions Limited
JS8  Combined Phase I and Phase II Geo-environmental Assessment, Fields End, Hemel Hempstead (LA3) (PDF 7.23MB) June 2011 Delta Simmons Environmental Consultants
JS9 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Marchmont Farm, Hemel Hempstead (LA1) October 2004  CgMs Consulting
JS10  Ecology Report. Marchmont Farm, Hemel Hempstead. Update Phase I Habitat Survey (LA1) (PDF 3.14MB) July 2012 LDA Design Consulting LLP
JS11 Marchmont Farm, Hemel Hempstead. Landscape and Visual Matters (LA1) August 2012 LDA Design Consulting LLP
JS12 Land West of Tring, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LA5) August 2012 CALA Homes (South) Ltd
JS13  Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Protected Species Report (PDF 1MB) October 2011 SCa Environmental Planning 
JS14  Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Great Crested Newt Survey Report (PDF 1MB) July 2008 SCa Environmental Planning 
JS15  Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Ecological Appraisal (PDF 378KB) March 2008 SCa Environmental Planning
JS16  Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Landscape Assessment (PDF 3MB) April 2008 SCa Environmental Planning 
JS17  Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (PDF 3MB) January 2008 Archaeological Services and Consultancy Ltd.
JS18 Land at Durrants Lane / Shootersway, Berkhamsted. Phase I Geo-Environmental Site Assessment March 2008 REC Geoenvironmental 

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