Core Strategy submission documents: national, regional, county guidance

Submission Documents
Document No. Document title Date published Produced by
REG 1  Hertfordshire Structure Plan Review 1991-2011 (PDF 849KB) April 1998 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 2  Hertfordshire Economic Development Strategy – 2006-2011 (PDF 300KB) October 2006  Hertfordshire Prosperity
REG 3 Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan 2006-2007 – 2010-2011:
 Bus Strategy (PDF 71KB)
 Rail Strategy (PDF 400KB)
 SEA Public Notice on the Bus Strategy (PDF 8KB)
March 2006 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 4 Minerals Local Plan Review 2002-2016 Main Document March 2007 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 5  Hertfordshire Supporting People Strategy 2007-2012 (PDF 206KB) November 2007 Hertfordshire County Council / Department For Communities And Local Government
REG 6  Hertfordshire 2021 - A Brighter Future (PDF 535KB) 2008 Hertfordshire Forward
REG 7 East Of England Plan May 2008 EERA
REG 8  Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care - Commissioning Strategy For Older People (PDF 187KB) January 2008 Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services 
REG 9  Meeting the rising demand for school places (PDF 350KB) 2009 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 10  Meeting the demand for rising school places - 2010 update (PDF 229KB) 2010 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 11 Waste Core Strategy And Development Management Policies November 2010 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 12  Hertfordshire County Council Children and Young People's Plan 2011/2012 (PDF 1MB) 2011 Hertfordshire County Council / Children’s Trust Partnership
REG 13 Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan:
 Volume 1: Strategy document (PDF 6MB)
 Volume 2: Policy document (PDF 404KB)
 Volume 3 - The implementation plan (PDF 1MB)
April 2011 Hertfordshire County Council
REG 14 Hertfordshire Minerals And Waste Development Framework – Waste Site Allocations Proposed Submission February 2012  Hertfordshire County Council 
REG 15 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) March 2012 DCLG
REG 16  Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PDF 130KB) March 2012 DCLG
REG 17  East of England Regional Plan High Court Challenge decision (PDF 957KB) May 2009  High Court
REG 17a  Legal Challenge Judge's Transcript (PDF 1MB) May 2009  High Court 
REG 18  A Local Housing Target For St Albans District (including appendices) (PDF 813KB) August 2012 St Albans City and District Council
REG 19  Draft Strategic Local Plan - Part One (PDF 2MB)
 Draft Strategic Local Plan - Part Two (PDF 7MB)
 Draft Strategic Local Plan - Part Three (PDF 7MB)
 Draft Strategic Local Plan - Part Four (PDF 429KB)
September 2012  St Albans City and District Council
REG 20  Planning Policy Guidance Note 2: Green Belts (PDF 163KB) March 2001  DCLG

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