Core Strategy Examination opening and closing statements
The following opening and closing statements were made on behalf of our legal advisor.
Core Strategy examination hearings opening statement (PDF 81.2KB)
Core Strategy examination hearings closing statement (PDF 105KB)
Schedule of proposed examination changes
Some of our officers proposed changes to the Core Strategy and these changes are in addition to the modifications put forward in the Report of Representations (June 2012) (Examination Document SUB5) and in some instances amend these original modifications.
Pre-hearing changes:
Hearing changes:
Post Hearing Changes:
The Inspector examined the soundness of our Core Strategy, there were times when was is necessary for the inspector to seek clarification from us to assist his understanding of the task at hand.
We were never in direct communication with the inspector but instead queries were channelled through the Programme Officer, Mr Ian Kemp. For transparency purposes and in an effort to keep representatives fully informed of such dialogue, the questions posed to us, together with their responses are detailed within the following document.
Inspectors queries / dialogue document (PDF 613KB)
During the hearings:
Inspectors queries / dialogue document (1.2MB)
Hearing queries feedback:
After the hearings:
Inspectors queries / dialogue document (PDF 263KB)
On 19 November, we received a note from the Inspector which sets out his preliminary thoughts on issues raised during the hearings, and potential ways forward. We considered this advice and provided a formal response.
Inspector's note to Dacorum (PDF 55 KB)
Letter to Inspector regarding initial advice (PDF 293KB)
On 2 May a supplementary question was received from the Inspector. This letter and our response is provided below. A provisional Local Planning Framework (LPF) timetable was also sent to the Inspector and this is shown below.
Supplementary question from the Inspector (PDF 88.5KB)
Council's response to the supplementary question from the Inspector (PDF 188KB)
Annex A - provisional LPF timetable May 2013
Page Last Updated: Monday, 04 July 2016 at 03:01 PM