
Gardeners snap up free compost and wildflower seeds

Spade in a big pile of compost

Ten tonnes of peat-free compost was shared between more than 250 households last week as we marked International Compost Awareness Week.

We invited residents from across the borough to collect free bags of compost from Cupid Green Depot on Saturday 18 May. And on the day more than 500 bags were given away to keen gardeners. 

The compost, produced from recycled home garden waste, was kindly provided by Envar.

More than 300 packets of bee-friendly wildflower seeds were also given out through the Dacorum Climate Action Network to support our local pollinators and brighten up the borough’s gardens and allotments.

Cllr Bromham, our Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Operations, said: “It’s brilliant to see how popular this event is amongst Dacorum residents. This is a perfect example of how we can support a circular economy. The fact that this compost came from residents’ recycled garden waste means that the compost is peat-free. This is important as the production of peat is bad for the environment, destroying valuable eco-systems and releasing carbon into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change.”

Another great way to recycle your garden waste at home is by cutting it up and composting it. A compost bin can also be used to recycle some of your food waste, including tea bags and fruit and vegetable peelings. For more information, please visit our Home Composting page

If you collected some compost and seeds at the giveaway, we'd love to see photos of your wildflower patches and what you've grown using your compost. Email with your photos.

If you wish to recycle garden waste using a green-lidded bin, you can sign up to our Garden Waste Subscription Service at an annual cost of £50 per bin.