Report a fire or structural safety concern

This form is to report a concern in rented residential property only.

If a fire is in progress or there is immediate risk of harm to a person, please call 999 and ask for 'Fire'.

If your concern is about a fire risk in retail or commercial property or you are in an owner-occupied home, please contact Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue.

If you need to report an emergency repair to a council home, or your council-owned home has already been damaged by fire, please use our Freephone number 0800 018 6050. Your call will be recorded. The out-of-hours emergency repairs service operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year (including Christmas day).

Property details

Is the property a...

If you ticked "Council-owned property" are you a...

If you ticked "Other rented housing" is it...

Type of property

*If you ticked flat, please specify how tall the block is...

*If you ticked flat, is the concern...

Your details

Details of your concern


If you would like to send photos of your concern, please email them to

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 06 June 2024 at 03:04 PM

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