Local information map

To see what's available, simply click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the map:

View the online map

Map features

You can access a host of useful local information on our online map, including:

  • Planning applications by year
  • Location of our car parks
  • Location of recycling centres
  • Location of dog bins
  • Find your nearest polling station
  • Location of children's play areas
  • Find out which ward you are in and who your councillors are
  • Location of allotments
  • Location of Community Infrastructure Levy zones
  • Planning constraints - including conservation areas, Article 4 directions and Green Belt land
  • Find out the Council Tax band for your property
  • Find your nearest doctor's surgery, police station and fire station

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 09:28 AM

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