Cemeteries fees and charges

The fees below are for 2024-2025 and should be calculated on the grave owner's address. A burial will require the purchase of an exclusive right of burial and an internment fee. Many customers also choose to mark the plot with a headstone or plaque.

Please note: All fees are relevant to the grave owner.

Exclusive right of burial

Exclusive right of burial fees and charges
Exclusive right of burial75-year lease Non-resident
Traditional grave£1,691£5,073
Child grave
No charge
Cremated remains - flat memoria£630£1,890
Cremated remains - upright memorial£908£2,724

Pre-purchased exclusive right of burial

Pre-purchased exclusive right of burial fees and charges
Pre-purchased exclusive right of burial 75-year leaseNon-resident 
Traditional grave£2,919£8,757
Cremated remains - flat memorial£982£2,946
Cremated remains - upright memorial£1,265£3,795


Interment fees and charges
Interment fees (these should be calculated on the deceased's address) Dacorum residentNon-resident
Traditional burial£782£2,346
Child burialNo charge 
Additional excavation of casket£215£215
Cremated remains £267£801
Cremated remains - double interment £535£1,605
Scattering of remains£78£234

Additional fees

Additional fees
Additional fees FeeNon-resident
Exclusive right of burial (deed) transfer£89£267
Use of chapel£110£330
Repurchase expired lease on right of burial (75 years)£1,092£3,276
Repurchase expired lease on right of burial cremation plot (75 years)£42£126
Additional fee for out of hours interment (after 2pm Monday to Thursday, after 1pm on Friday)£372£1,116
Additional fee for Saturday interment (until midday)£372£1,116

Installation of memorials

Installation of memorials fees and charges
Installation of memorials (memorials are usually purchased separately from a memorial mason) Initial feeNon-resident
Headstone (new, additional or replacement)£252£756
Headstone additional inscription£168£504
Child's headstoneNo charge 
Tablet, plaque or desktop (new, additional or replacement)£99£297
Tablet, plaque or desktop (additional inscription)£68£204
Vase (new, additional, or replacement)£57£171
Vase additional inscription£42£126
Renovation of memorial headstone£65£195

Other memorials

Other memorials fees and charges
Other memorials10-year leaseNon-resident
Shrub rose with inscribed marker £309£927

Fees for Watford residents using Poppyfields Cemetery

Exclusive right of burial

Fees for exclusive right of burial for Watford residents using Poppyfields Cemetery
Exclusive right of burial75-year lease
Traditional grave£1,754
Child graveNo charge

Cremated remains exclusive right of burial

Cremated remains exclusive right of burial fees for Watford residents using Poppyfield Cemetery
Cremated remains exclusive right of burial50-year lease
Flat Tablet Memorial£773
Desk Memorial
Upright Memorial£1,114

Interment fees

Cremated remains exclusive right of burial fees for Watford residents using Poppyfield Cemetery
Interment feesFee
Lawn grave (burial)£913
Additional excavation£257
Cremated remains£309
Cremated remains - double interment£614
Scattering of remains£78

Additional fees

Cremated remains exclusive right of burial fees for Watford residents using Poppyfield Cemetery
Additional feesFee
Exclusive right of burial deed transfer£89
Out of hours interment (after 2pm Monday to Thursday, after 1pm on Friday)£372
Saturday interment (until midday)£372
  • All exclusive rights are sold subject to the terms and conditions stated in the rules and regulations.
  • All memorials and vaults are leased subject to the terms and conditions.
  • Errors and omissions excepted.

Contact us

For more information, please email cemeteries@dacorum.gov.uk or call 01442 228066.

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 09:43 AM

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