Environment documents

Document No. Document Title Date Published Produced by
EN 1 A 50 Year Vision – Biodiversity Action Plan 1998 Middlesex Wildlife Trust
EN 2 Landscape Character Assessment For Dacorum: Supplementary Planning Guidance May 2004 Landscape Partnership Ltd, Hertfordshire County Council, Dacorum Borough Council and The Chilterns Conservation Board
EN 3 Urban Nature Conservation Study March 2006 Hertfordshire Biological Records Centre
EN 4 SFRA (Strategic Flood Risk Assessment) – Volume 1 August 2007 Halcrow
EN 5  Chilterns AONB Management Plan 2008-2013: A Framework For Action (PDF 5MB) 2008 Chilterns Conservation Board
EN 6 Open Space Study March 2008 Dacorum Borough Council
EN 7 SFRA (Strategic Flood Risk Assessment) – Level 2 (Maps – August 2007) June 2008 Halcrow
EN 8 Water Cycle Study – Scoping Study April 2010 Hyder
EN 9 Chilterns Buildings Design Guide (Note: accompanied by a series of technical notes relating to use of flint, brick and roofing material) February 2010 Chilterns Conservation Board
EN 10 Green Infrastructure Background Note September 2010 Dacorum Borough Council
EN 11 The Two Waters Open Space Feasibility Report October 2010 Dacorum Borough Council, BDP And Boxmoor Trust
EN 12 Green Infrastructure Study 2011 January 2011 Dacorum Borough Council
EN 13 Green Infrastructure Study (Final Report and Appendices) March 2011  Land Use Consultants
EN 14 Green Arc Strategic Green Infrastructure Plan March  2011 Land Use Consultants, On Behalf Of Hertfordshire County Council And Hertfordshire Districts

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