Core Strategy

The Core Strategy sets out the strategic vision, objectives and spatial strategy for the borough for 20 years. It contains core policies, for example Green Belt and settlements, town-wide strategies and the housing programme, and includes a development (key) diagram for the borough and other diagrams (for towns and large villages). It also contains an implementation strategy.

The Core Strategy for Dacorum Borough was formally adopted by the Council on 25 September 2013. It forms part of the development plan for the borough and will be used to assess any planning applications that are submitted to us.

Core Strategy documents

Proposals map

The Core Strategy can be viewed on our proposals map page.

'Saved’ policies

The Core Strategy is the first of the documents that make up Dacorum’s new Local Plan. It therefore does not replace all of the policies contained within the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011. Many of the policies have been ‘saved’ and will continue to form part of the development plan for Dacorum borough until they are formally superseded or cancelled.

A schedule setting out which of these Dacorum Borough Local Plan policies have been saved and which are superseded is available here:  Schedule of saved policies (PDF 106KB)

Early Partial Review

Find out more about the Early Partial Review of the Core Strategy - this provides information about the new Local Plan we are preparing.

Background information

To view the historical development of the Core Strategy, please click on the links below:

Contact us

If you require any further information, please call the Strategic Planning team on 01442 228000 or email

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at 03:01 PM