Site Allocations

The Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) was adopted in July 2017 and sets out how the policies and proposals in Dacorum’s Core Strategy (adopted September 2013) will be delivered. It forms part of the development plan for the borough and will be used to assess any planning applications that are submitted to us.

The Site Allocations DPD allocates land for housing and other uses, such as retail and employment uses, and includes site specific proposals. All proposals will be shown on the proposals map.

Site Allocations documents

 Adopted Site Allocations 2017 Written Statement (PDF 7 MB)
 Adopted Site Allocations 2017 Map Book (PDF 15MB)
 Site Allocations Adoption Notice (PDF 121 KB)
 Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (PDF 682 KB)

Local Allocations and their Masterplans

 LA1 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 11 MB)
 LA2 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 3 MB)
 LA3 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 11 MB)
 LA4 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 1 MB)
 LA5 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 7MB)
 LA6 Master Plan (adopted 12 July 2017) (PDF 2 MB)

Background information

To view the historical development of the Site Allocations, please view the links below: 

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 06 June 2018 at 10:46 AM

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