Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan

Bovingdon Parish Council is creating a neighbourhood plan to influence the way its area grows and develops into the future.

Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan has been through an independent examination, with the Examiner's final report (see below) received on 21 March 2024. The Examiner has concluded that, subject to modifications, the Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and can proceed to referendum. We are currently preparing a decision statement for the plan to allow it to formally progress to the referendum stage.

The Examiner’s report and clarification questions and responses are available to view below:

Draft Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2038 Consultation

Submission of the Neighbourhood Plan represents the stage where the Bovingdon steering group effectively hands over the baton for the neighbourhood development plan to us.

A consultation on the draft Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan - with reference to the 'basic conditions' that the Neighbourhood Plan needs to meet - was held between 29 September and 12 November 2023. Thank you to everyone who gave their views.

Following the responses of the consultation, the draft Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan, Basic Conditions and Consultation Statements that formed their formal submission were issued to the appointed Independent Examiner for his consideration. The Basic Conditions and Consultation Statements, Screening Statement and community feedback can be found below.

How we use your data

All personal data included in consultation responses will be held securely by us and Examiner in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. Comments submitted by individuals will be published on our website alongside their name. No other contact details will be published. Comments submitted by businesses or organisations will be published in full, including contact details. Further information on how we store personal data is provided in our  Strategic Planning and Regeneration privacy policy (PDF 138KB).

More information

Further information on the process is available on our Neighbourhood Planning page. If you would like to discuss neighbourhood planning with a member of the team, please call 01442 228000 and ask for "Neighbourhood Planning" or email

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 09 April 2024 at 03:26 PM