Single Person Discount review

We recently reviewed Council Tax accounts that receive a discount to ensure everyone is paying the correct amount. Our review is now complete. Our records show that you did not respond to the letters sent to your address on 22 July 2024 and 21 August 2024 asking you to verify your sole occupancy. Your 25 per cent discount has now been withdrawn, as stated in the letters we sent to your address.

If you believe your discount has been removed in error and you are still the sole occupant at the address, you can reapply for a 25 per cent discount. Click on the link below to reapply. Please have your Council Tax account number and postcode to hand when logging in. We will carry out checks to ensure the discount can be reinstated. If approved, we will issue you with a revised bill.  

Reapply for Single Person Discount

More about the review

Each year, councils receive a high volume of applications for Single Person Discount. Some of these applications are not genuine, with people falsely claiming reductions in their bills. So, from time to time we review entitlement to the Single Person Discount.

We will make checks to ensure everyone who claims the discount is genuine.

Further information

If you have any questions about the form or need more information, please view our frequently asked questions page.

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 11 September 2024 at 01:09 PM

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